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Brain Builders

​Homeschool Tutorial

During homeschool classes, students will focus on engineering, robotics, simple machines and coding.


Students will develop an understanding of how parts work together, learn to investigate problems, find possible solutions, and build collaboration and communication skill while working in a hands-on environment.


Brain Builders STEAM preschool uses play to open up the world of early science, technology, engineering, arts, math, and language skills for young children. All classes are hands-on to ignite a natural curiosity of learning and foster a love of discovery and investigation.  Classes build skills such as confidence, creativity, and collaboration.


Brain Builders workshops will focus on robotics, simple machines and engineering concepts.



​Brain Builders camp focus on LEGO building skills and/or robotics.



Current Camps Available

LEGO Master Builder

LEGO Creator

LEGO Movie

LEGO Star Wars


LEGO Robotics

LEGO Game Creator

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